Food for the Soul
Some of my favourite easy & clean plant-based recipes.
Food is life!
Sharing my love for food is a given. But what's more important for me to share is why I eat mostly plant-based (and am slowly transitioning to fully plant-based).
There's no shortage of information that has warned us about the horrible effects of agriculture on the environment. In particular, animal agriculture. In university, I spent two years studying environment and health studies, and animal agriculture was a topic that came up time and time again. Its implications span across intersections touching not only the environment but also animal welfare, global social inequalities, and public health. Global players like the United Nations have recognized the far-reaching impacts of animal agriculture and have begun advocating for less meat consumption.
To educate yourself on this topic, The Guardian published a well-rounded, informational article in 2019 that provides a great overview on the cost of eating meat. I'm always happy to explain or discuss this important subject, so please reach out and stay tuned for more resources to come on my blog.